Monday 7 November 2011

Sakes Alive (Good Heavens!) It's Begun!

Gol-lee gosh I sure have gotten mah-self into a pickle....I already can't spell very well let alone in cowboy speak!

Well here we are. Day one of me being a modern day cowboy.

As my friends know I couldn't be further away from the definition of a cowboy at the moment. When I think about cowboys I am reminded of a trip to Texas in 2005 where I saw men in boots, checked shirts and with massive belt buckles and a hat. Real men.

I am not one of those guys. Those who do know me, please realise that I am, possibly, the most domesticated man ever.  Born and bred in Sydney, Australia I'm a city slicker. I don't really like the outdoors... and well I'm not a chisel-faced blonde with blue eyes.

But when my friend Lex who's a movie producer over in Hollywood (golly-woo!) emailed me, I had to oblige. Turns out she's doing some producing with some cowboy material and when she asked me to blog I was thrilled to bits... although a bit worried. She says we all have some cowboy in us ... let's find out! So here goes!


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