Thursday 29 December 2011

James Dean on Fearlessness

I'm a lone cowboy this Christmas. I had a friend offer me his apartment whilst he was out of town and flew into New York - which is an amazing place!

I was walking around Central Park near Columbus Circle and saw some old-vintage style metal plaques and had to buy one for this blog on courage with James Dean.

Happy New Year - what are the crazy cowboy things that you're going to do next year in 2012?

Giddy Up!

Monday 19 December 2011

Cowboy Boots!

It's been a long 2 weeks since I've posted but there's been a lot of cowboy stuff happening. I've been looking for some good old cowboy boots in none other than the legendary Carnaby St in London - home of the fashion boutique.

I was walking around looking for inspiration and it hit me - at Levis. None other than a set of perfect cowboy style boots.

The best thing about these boots were they are leather inside and outside and are made to last. Just like the Levi Strauss and Co General Store would have approved back in the 1800's.

The only problem.... they didn't have my size! So I'm going to have to tap on over to the US to get these cowboy boots!


Tuesday 6 December 2011

Draw, Darby!

I'm looking for inspiration ... and reading a book about Navy Seals... and I think to myself. What would a cowboy do. Well I actually think to myself what would Chuck Norris do but then I figure not many cowboys actually know kung fu.

I decide to research what the quintessential cowboy should have - quick draw and gun skills.

I learn about Howard Darby - the world champion trick shooter. Not just a quick draw this fella is accurate too. See the video at 2m 31s and you'll find out how.

Time to get down to the range and learn how to shoot!



Monday 14 November 2011

Lasso Skills to Boot!


I was reading the paper today and read about a legendary dog wrangler who saved a dog drowning in a canal with a lasso!

I have no lasso skills. What kind of cowboy would I be without these skills! Cowboy's get their name by herding and catching cows and out in the Wild West the ability to get that cattle caught and into the sale would be the difference between having food to eat or nothing at all. It'd also be the difference to whether you had the cowgirl or not!

That's an interesting thought actually. I wonder what today's equivalent of a lasso is. I suppose in today's society with business and information it must be persuasiveness and negotiation skills. After all that is how you hook the buyer, seal the deal and get the ladies.

So what does a modern day cowboy need in order to be persuasive and negotiate well?

I did some research and the site that best reflects the skills you need is Kemp's Blog.

Briefly, in cowboy speak - you need to do the following:
1) Giddy Up and Get Respect
2) Always treat people as you would a cowgirl
3) Get to the point - be clear
4) Back up your talk with some lasso skills
5) Be interesting, logical and emotional at the same time. (Be a cowboy)

Giddy Up Y'all!



Thursday 10 November 2011

Changing my Windows 7 Theme to Cow-boy!

Every good cowboy needs a little picture to remind him of home. So I thought I'd change my inspiration to incorporate the ideal picture of the US landscape. The picture is part of the Windows 7 standard pre-loaded set for the USA - but the sound effects and the twanging sounds whenever I have an error on my screen just make me think cowboy!

Thanks also to my friends on facebook who have suggested so far that these are the things I'd need to consider if I want to be a quintessential cowboy:

  1. Lasso 
  2. Boots
  3. Hat
  4. Checked Shirt
  5. Big Ass Belt Buckle
  6. A Horse
  7. A blade of wheat that I can chew 
  8. Tobacco 
  9. A Harmonica
  10. A Cowgirl 
So I'm thinking a couple of things - and I need y'alls help.

Firstly... did I leave anything out of this list?
Secondly... what is the modern day equivalent of this stuff (minus the cowgirl - I got that one downpat)

Let's get crackin - click on the comment button below and fire away -quickdraws!

Yee Hah.


GiddyupJono | Finding the modern day Cowboy

Monday 7 November 2011

Sakes Alive (Good Heavens!) It's Begun!

Gol-lee gosh I sure have gotten mah-self into a pickle....I already can't spell very well let alone in cowboy speak!

Well here we are. Day one of me being a modern day cowboy.

As my friends know I couldn't be further away from the definition of a cowboy at the moment. When I think about cowboys I am reminded of a trip to Texas in 2005 where I saw men in boots, checked shirts and with massive belt buckles and a hat. Real men.

I am not one of those guys. Those who do know me, please realise that I am, possibly, the most domesticated man ever.  Born and bred in Sydney, Australia I'm a city slicker. I don't really like the outdoors... and well I'm not a chisel-faced blonde with blue eyes.

But when my friend Lex who's a movie producer over in Hollywood (golly-woo!) emailed me, I had to oblige. Turns out she's doing some producing with some cowboy material and when she asked me to blog I was thrilled to bits... although a bit worried. She says we all have some cowboy in us ... let's find out! So here goes!
